Sunday, July 31, 2011

Screw you scale

You guessed it, I stood on the scale today and DID NOT like what I saw. I wouldn't even weigh myself if weightwatchers didn't make me do it once a week as part of their program. Today was my fourth weigh in and I am heavier than when I started a month ago!! Shit! Can I swear on my blog? I have no idea, maybe the blog police will get me...Anyways, when I recorded my weight online this morning weightwatchers said, "Oh don't worry about it honey everyone gains weight now and then on this program." Correction, that is what I wish it told me, instead the program said, "It happens." Fair enough, but apparently I haven't worked off that crispy chicken sandwhich from Burger King just yet, I caved and had that last Thursday. My bad.

The Holy Grail of Chicken Sandwhiches



Equals This: 

(At least my toes look pretty) 

Needless to say, the above number put me in quite a funk today and I stuck to my weightwatchers diet like glue. I am allotted 29 points a day, which is approximately 1300-1600 calories a day. I think. I'm not the best when it comes to math, but the few times I have added up calories at the end of the day, the total has been between 1300 and 1600. Weightwatchers judges a food based on its total fat, protein, fiber, and carbs. More carbs generally equals a high point count. Did you know a blueberry scone at Starbucks is 13 points? I didn't. That little piece of heaven has been moved to my "treat-only list," saved for early morning meetings and road trips to Oregon. Did I mention that fruits and vegetables are ZERO points? I have eaten more fruits and veggies in the past month that I have in the past year. Not kidding. I also get "bonus points" as I call them when I work out, which allows me to indulge on an ice cream bar, or something to that effect, every now and again. That's weightwatchers in a nutshell my friends, and I have a love hate relationship with it everyday. Love how I feel at the end of the day knowing I stayed within my 29 points, and hate because I couldn't have that piece of delicious looking banana bread at work. 

EAT ME!!! 
But since I didn't eat that delicious looking banana bread at work today, I had nine points to play around with and I made this for dinner!!! I am not the best cook in the world, but I must say this weightwatchers recipe is pretty damn good!!! 

Ginger-Lime Chicken with Wild Rice
Yeah I made that. I AM AWESOME!! { That was for you Erin :-) } The recipe can be found at:

I will get into those size 8 jeans eating like this.

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