Sunday, July 31, 2011

Screw you scale

You guessed it, I stood on the scale today and DID NOT like what I saw. I wouldn't even weigh myself if weightwatchers didn't make me do it once a week as part of their program. Today was my fourth weigh in and I am heavier than when I started a month ago!! Shit! Can I swear on my blog? I have no idea, maybe the blog police will get me...Anyways, when I recorded my weight online this morning weightwatchers said, "Oh don't worry about it honey everyone gains weight now and then on this program." Correction, that is what I wish it told me, instead the program said, "It happens." Fair enough, but apparently I haven't worked off that crispy chicken sandwhich from Burger King just yet, I caved and had that last Thursday. My bad.

The Holy Grail of Chicken Sandwhiches



Equals This: 

(At least my toes look pretty) 

Needless to say, the above number put me in quite a funk today and I stuck to my weightwatchers diet like glue. I am allotted 29 points a day, which is approximately 1300-1600 calories a day. I think. I'm not the best when it comes to math, but the few times I have added up calories at the end of the day, the total has been between 1300 and 1600. Weightwatchers judges a food based on its total fat, protein, fiber, and carbs. More carbs generally equals a high point count. Did you know a blueberry scone at Starbucks is 13 points? I didn't. That little piece of heaven has been moved to my "treat-only list," saved for early morning meetings and road trips to Oregon. Did I mention that fruits and vegetables are ZERO points? I have eaten more fruits and veggies in the past month that I have in the past year. Not kidding. I also get "bonus points" as I call them when I work out, which allows me to indulge on an ice cream bar, or something to that effect, every now and again. That's weightwatchers in a nutshell my friends, and I have a love hate relationship with it everyday. Love how I feel at the end of the day knowing I stayed within my 29 points, and hate because I couldn't have that piece of delicious looking banana bread at work. 

EAT ME!!! 
But since I didn't eat that delicious looking banana bread at work today, I had nine points to play around with and I made this for dinner!!! I am not the best cook in the world, but I must say this weightwatchers recipe is pretty damn good!!! 

Ginger-Lime Chicken with Wild Rice
Yeah I made that. I AM AWESOME!! { That was for you Erin :-) } The recipe can be found at:

I will get into those size 8 jeans eating like this.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Post Numero Uno: Ten things about me

 1. I have a BA in History and Political Science. I like facts, quotes, and bibliographies. Blogging is the absolute opposite of anything I have ever done before when it comes to writing. I don't even have a diary between my mattress and box spring. (Who even keeps a diary anymore anyways?) So this blog is either going to be really good or really've been warned. 

2. I live in Idaho Falls with my cat, Princess Kitty. Okay, she isn't a princess 90% of the time, but she sure thinks she is and my house is her kingdom. Pictures of the princess to follow.

3. I'm 5'5 and used to weigh an ungodly 120 lbs when I graduated from Oregon State in 2008. Yeah I was sickly skinny but considered "healthy" by most nutritional standards. Since then I have grown into my "womanly figure" as I call it, and weigh a curvy 143 lbs-ish. That's right readers, this girl has curves and is not afraid to rock my size 10 jeans.

4. I love to be outside, how I ended up with an office job is beyond me, but I try to be outside as much as possible when I'm not at work. Hiking, fishing, camping, biking, and especially geocaching are my favorite outdoor activities. 

5. For those of you that read #4 and said "WTF is geocaching?" Here is your answer: It's geek speak for glorified treasure hunting. It involes you, a GPS, and the great outdoors. I will devote more time to this subject later, for now check out for the basics.

6. I LOVE TO EAT. I eat when I'm happy. I eat when I'm sad. I eat when I'm bored. I would literally eat all day long if I could.  Which is why I packed on 20+ pounds after college. A more or less "healthy" 20 pounds by the way.  I'm a total foodie, and if there was a Foodie Anonymous I would join. 

7. While I love to eat, I pretty much HATE to exercise, unless it involves geocaching that is. Sure I love the cute work out clothes and the feeling I get AFTER I work out, but planning my day around a workout kills me. Exercise is an unfortunate but necessary evil, period.

8. I'm single. That's right. I'm 25 and while all of my friends are getting married and having babies I am still stuck in the dating world. Which is a good thing I guess, but really sucks when you show up solo to weddings. 

9.  Since I couldn't find a Foodie Anonymous meeting, I joined weightwatchers online instead. It's been four weeks and I have yet to lose any weight. Not that I'm trying to slim way down, 135 lbs is what I'm ultimately shooting for, but I'd settle for 137-140lbs. I love weightwatchers, it's a great program, but seriously the Jennifer Hudson commercials have got to go. 

10. Finally, I love to here's hoping that weightwatchers and the gym will get me into those size 8 jeans that have been taunting me from the closet for over a year.